s children begin to socialize and interact with their peers, the development of friendships becomes an important part of their lives. These relationships provide children with opportunities to share common interests, learn new things, and explore different aspects of their personalities.

While all friendships are valuable, those formed during early childhood can be particularly beneficial. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Early childhood friendships help children learn how to communicate and interact with others.

As children interact with their friends, they learn how to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts. These skills are essential for success in all areas of life, from personal relationships to the workplace.

I have learned so many things from my friends and they have helped me become who I am today. Sharing music, love for food, common interests, and even arguments have helped me understand more about communication and how to resolve conflicts.

2. Early childhood friendships provide a sense of belonging and self-worth.

Children who feel like they belong to a group of friends are more likely to have high self-esteem and feel good about themselves. These positive feelings can lead to success in all areas of life, including academics and career choices.

I remember friends who used to be by my side no matter what. They would help me with my work, be there for me during tough times and make me feel good about myself.

3. Early childhood friendships can teach children how to deal with different types of people.

Friendships provide children with exposure to different personalities and temperaments. As they learn to navigate these relationships, children develop skills that will help them deal with a variety of people throughout their lives.

4. Early childhood friendships can provide support during difficult times.

If a child is dealing with a difficult situation, such as the death of a loved one or divorce, having friends can make the journey easier. These friends can offer emotional support and understanding during tough times.

I remember being with my friends when they were going through difficult times in their life.

 “A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.” — Winnie the Pooh

5. Early childhood friendships can last a lifetime.

The bonds that are formed during early childhood can last a lifetime. These friendships provide children with a support system that they can rely on throughout their lives.

I have so many friends that have always been a part of my life. No matter how many years go by or how far apart we may live, our friendship always picks up right where it left off. I cherish these friendships and am so grateful for their role in my life.

"One thing you should know, no matter where I go, we'll always be together." — Christopher Robin

6. Early childhood friendships promote physical and emotional health.

Children who have close friends tend to be physically and emotionally healthier than those who do not. They are less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Additionally, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as exercise and eating a balanced diet.

I still can talk to my old friends and feel so good about it. It's like we never left each other's side, even though some of us live in different countries now. I'm so grateful for the early childhood friendships that I formed.

7. Early childhood friendships lay the foundation for future relationships.

The skills that children learn during early childhood friendships will help them form successful relationships later in life. These skills include communication, compromise, and empathy.

I have many friends from my childhood with whom I am still in touch. Even though we live in different cities and our lives have changed a lot, it is great to be able to rely on them for support and advice. I am grateful for the close bonds that we have formed and the wonderful memories that we share.

Children can learn so much from each other - My son learns about songs, music, and movies from his friends. They also teach each other how to be better people. It's amazing to see!

There are also a few things that children should avoid doing if they want to make and keep friends. Tell your kids how these things can affect their friendship

1. Refusing to share- This is an important lesson kids need to learn to have friends. When kids share their snacks, toys, and even ideas with others, it opens the door for negotiation and communication- two key elements of any friendship.

2. Excluding others- Everyone feels left out sometimes, but it’s important to avoid excluding others on purpose. This will only make them feel bad and could damage their friendship.

3. Making fun of others- It’s important to be accepting of others, even if they are different from them. Making fun of someone else’s appearance, abilities or interests is not only mean, but it will also make others less likely to want to be friends with them.

At the same, they should not accept mean behavior from others.

4. Being bossy- No one likes a bossy friend. If you are always telling others what to do, they will quickly get tired of it and may not want to spend time with you.

One of my son's friends is very bossy and my son has started to copy him. I have been talking to him about it and he is trying to be more accepting of others' ideas.

5. Gossiping- Gossiping about others is a sure way to damage friendships. Not only is it hurtful to the person you are gossiping about, but it’s also a sign of distrust. If you can’t trust your friends not to gossip, they may not be true friends.

I always try to break this habit when my son tries to gossip about others. We talk about how it would feel if someone did that to him and he has started to be more aware of it.

6. Teasing or making fun of others- This is another way to damage friendships. Teasing can be hurtful and make others feel bad about themselves. It’s important to avoid teasing or making fun of your friends, even if you are just joking around.

Some kids have this habit of teasing others and my son has been a victim of it. This can become a very annoying thing if kids are unable to share their feelings. I have been teaching him to express himself and he has started to open up more.

7. Lying or being dishonest- Lying to your friends is a sure way to damage the trust in the friendship. If you can’t be honest with your friends, they may not want to continue the friendship.

8. Being jealous of others- Jealousy can damage friendships because it can make you seem untrustworthy and insecure. If you are jealous of your friends, they may not want to be around you.

Fights are part of friendship - All friends fight sometimes, but it’s important to make up afterward. If you can’t apologize or forgive your friends, the friendship will be damaged.

When you are fighting with your friends, it’s normal to feel upset and even hurt. But it’s important to try to resolve the conflict constructively. This can be done by talking about the problem and trying to come up with a solution.

If you are having trouble resolving a conflict, you may need to seek help from a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher. They can help you to communicate effectively and find a resolution.

It’s normal to have disagreements and even fights with your friends, but it’s important to try to resolve them constructively.

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” — Winnie the Pooh

9. Being disrespectful- Disrespecting your friends is a sure way to end a friendship. If you are disrespectful, your friends will likely not want to continue the friendship.

If your friends are being disrespectful to you, it’s essential to stand up for yourself and let them know that their behavior is not acceptable.

10. Taking advantage of others- Taking advantage of friends is a sure way to end a friendship. If you are constantly asking your friends for favors or money, they may not want to be friends with you.

At the same time, other kids should not take advantage of you by asking you favors all the time or for money. If this keeps happening it’s best to end the friendship.

While there are a few things that children should avoid doing, the most important thing is to encourage positive friendship behaviors.

11. some friends might choose to move on - As children grow up, they move on to different things and their interests change. This can mean that some friends might choose to move on.

We as parents need to tell kids that we need to accept if their friends move on and that they should not take it personally. It’s normal for friends to come and go, and children should learn to accept this.

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” — Winnie the Pooh

By following these tips, you can help your child make and keep lasting friendships. These relationships will provide them with essential skills and support that they will need throughout their lives

The most important thing is to encourage your child to be themselves and to treat others with kindness and respect. By doing this, they will lay the foundation for strong and lasting friendships.

How parents can help kids develop rich friendships

Model friendship skills: The best way for kids to learn how to be good friends is to see friendship skills in action. As a parent, you can model these behaviors by being friendly to others, including your child’s friends.

I share a lot of stories with my kid about my childhood days and things I used to do together with my friends. This way he gets to know more about how friendship works and the different aspects of it.

Respect their personalities- Just because you want your kids to be friends with someone doesn’t mean your child has to. It’s important to respect your child’s individual preferences and allow them to choose their friends.

I never force my son to play with a certain kid just because I want him to. I let him choose his friends and he has a great group of friends that he enjoys spending time.

Create opportunities for them to meet their friends- 

It can be difficult for kids to make friends if they don’t have many opportunities to meet other children. As a parent, you can help them connect with old friends and make new ones by enrolling them in classes, sports teams, or other activities.

“It seemed they had always been, and would always be, friends. Time could change much, but not that.” — Winnie the Pooh

Be available to listen to them- 

Being a good friend also means being a good listener. As a parent, you can provide your child with a listening ear when they need to talk about their friendships.

Jul 8, 2022
Integrated Parenting

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