fter a long time, I planned a road to travel with my son and my niece. I was freaking out as I have no idea what to do when travelling with kids in the car. But, then I found some tips which helped me a lot and now I am sharing those tips with you all so that you can also make your travel more enjoyable.

We started our journey early in the morning and reached our destination by evening. We stopped for lunch and snacks in between.

My niece is not comfortable with long travels, she gets nauseatic. So, I take a vomit bag along with me whenever we travel. This has helped me many times.

Here are the tips which can help you while travelling with kids:

1. Start your journey early: This will help you to avoid traffic and reach your destination on time.

2. Make sure that your children are well-rested before the journey. This will help them to stay calm and relaxed during the drive.

3. Bring along some snacks and drinks for them to munch on during the drive. This will help to keep their energy levels up and prevent them from getting cranky.

4. Plan some fun activities for them to do during the journey. This could include things like colouring books, word games or even watching a movie on a portable DVD player.

5. Make frequent stops along the way so that your children can stretch their legs and use the bathroom. This will help to break up the journey and make it more bearable for them.

6. Finally, try to stay calm and patient. Remember that children can sense when you are feeling stressed out and this can make them more agitated. If you can remain calm, it will help to keep them calm as well.

7. You can stop at a park or a playground and let the kids run around and play for a while. This will help them to release some energy and they will be more likely to take a nap later on.

We stopped at a park where the kids spent 30 minutes but they were so tired that they slept for the next 3 hours in the car.

8. If you are traveling with more than one child, it can be helpful to assign each child their own “job”. For example, one child can be responsible for keeping track of rest stops, another can be in charge of snacks, and so on. This will help to keep them busy and give them a sense of responsibility.

9. Discuss the map in advance and show them the route you will be taking. This will help to familiarise them with the journey and make them feel more comfortable. Especially discuss the important landmarks you will be passing along the way.

10. If your child is prone to motion sickness, there are a few things you can do to help prevent it. For example, you can have them sit in the front seat so that they can see out the window, or you can give them some ginger candy to chew on.

11. You can also try playing some soothing music in the car to help relax everyone or let the kids choose their music to listen to. If there is more than one kid they can get to choose songs alternatively.

These are some additional practices to follow while travelling with kids:

-I don't encourage screen time during the rides because kids should get to have a break from the screens. I believe that screen takes away the fun of travelling.

-We prefer taking cooked food from home and this involves kids too in preparing the food. This way they will not only eat healthily but also enjoy their favourite dishes.

--It can be a great idea to write a journal after the travel. You can ask your kids to write about their favourite part of the trip, what they did, saw, and felt during the travel. This will help to create lasting memories for them.

-I involve my son in the entire process from planning, packing, unpacking, navigation, and decision making. This makes him feel grown up and he enjoys the journey as much as we do. He is also involved in the unpacking and arranging later.

-My son likes to keep a bag with him which has his snacks, water, books, and toys. This way he can entertain himself if needed and I don't have to worry about him.

-Some storytelling or stories about the route can add additional excitement to the journey for the kids. I try to tell my son some stories from my childhood or make up new ones. This way he stays engaged and excited throughout the journey.

-I generally avoid long night drives because kids can get cranky and it's not safe to drive when you are tired. If we have to start late, we make sure to take a nap before starting so that we can drive safely.

My son is mindful of not throwing the wrappers and litter here and there in the car and he also ensures that he collects them in the bag when we stop also he makes sure to clean up the car later before we start again.

-I make sure that we take plenty of breaks so that everyone can stretch their legs, use the restroom and just move around a bit. This is especially important for kids as they can get fidgety after sitting in one spot for too long.

Travelling with kids can be a challenging experience but if you plan and follow these tips, it can be a great way to bond with your children and create lasting memories. Safe travels!

I hope these tips will help you while travelling with kids. Do share your tips in the comments section below. Happy journey!

Sep 9, 2022
Integrated Parenting

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