Today I saw my brother taking care of his daughter as she was getting ready for her school day. It was a beautiful moment in which I saw the fatherhood of my generation come to life. This new breed of fathers is more hands-on, present, and emotionally available than any other generation before us. They are truly changing the game when it comes to being dads.

Some might say that we are more "in touch" with our emotions, and while that might be true to some extent, I think it's more than that. I think we are more in touch with our children's emotions. We understand that they are individuals with their thoughts and feelings, and we treat them as such. We don't try to mold them into miniature versions of ourselves, but rather allow them to grow into their unique selves.

The father generation with a changed mindset 

Fathers these days are more involved in their children's lives than any other generation before us. They are present for the little things, like helping with homework or taking them to soccer practice, and for big things, like being there to listen when they need to talk or being there to support them when they are going through tough times.

I remember as a child, my father hardly used to attend my school events or was involved in my daily life. It was always my mother who was there for me. But now, I see fathers taking a more active role in their children's lives, and it is truly amazing to watch.

These days fathers are taking it to social media to document their journey through fatherhood, and I think that is amazing. It shows other fathers that they are not alone in this and that it is possible to be a great dad while also being a modern man. Many fathers are adding 'Dad' to their social profiles to show the world that they are proud of their titles.

Involved Fatherhood 

Recently a friend told me how he looks forward to going back to his home in the evenings and spending some quality time with his children. He plans activities with them, helps them with their homework, and reads bedtime stories to them.

After the COVID, I also saw many fathers stepping up to take care of their children while working from home. Fathers are sharing the responsibility of childcare with mothers now more than ever before.

One of my friends stayed home to help his son prepare for his board exams, as his wife was working. I think this is a great example of the modern father. We are no longer afraid to show our emotions, and we are more than willing to put in the work to be great fathers.

Millennial Fathers taking to social media 

Dads have communities now, where they can connect with other fathers and share advice, stories, and tips. These communities are a great way for fathers to support each other and learn from each other.

There are websites and blogs dedicated to fathers, where we can read about the joys and challenges of fatherhood. We can connect with other fathers from all over the world and learn from their experiences. some examples include,,, etc.

The rise in stay-at-home fathers 

There is a rise stay at home fathers, who are taking on the role of primary caregiver to their children. This is a huge shift from previous generations, where it was always the mother who stayed at home with the children.

According to India Today, "Gender roles are changing rapidly across the world, and raising a baby is no more the sole concern of mothers. With Covid-19 having changed the work landscape and normalized work-from-home to a great extent, India is seeing a rise in stay-at-home dads who are at times even the primary parents of their kids"

Some fathers are choosing to stay at home so that they can spend more time with their children, while others are doing it because it makes more financial sense for their family. Either way, it is a great thing to see fathers taking on this role.

The stay-at-home dads will have a huge impact on the next generation. They will be more involved in their children's lives and will be able to give them the attention they need. They will also be great role models for their children, showing them that it is possible to be a great father while also working from home.

Will society accept the new millennial dad and the changed roles?

The answer is a big YES! Society is changing and the old stereotypes about fathers are no longer relevant. Fathers are now being seen as more than just providers, but as emotional support systems for their children. And I think that is amazing.

I believe that the modern father is a great example of how far we have come as a society. We are no longer afraid to show our emotions, and we are more than willing to put in the work to be great fathers. I think that is something to be proud of.

The rise of modern millennial dad will help women in their careers

The rise of the modern millennial dad is not only good for fathers, but it is also good for mothers. It allows mothers to have more time to focus on their careers, without having to worry about childcare as much.

As published in feminism in India," in a milieu where only paid work is looked upon with acceptance by society, this model will empower women as voices of agency, women will be vested with a lot more opportunities in society – in terms of making lifestyle choices, partner choices, or affording better lives for their children or family".

It also helps to break the stereotype that mothers are the only ones who can care for children. This is a huge step forward for equality between men and women.

So, overall, I think the rise of the modern millennial dad is a great thing for society. We are finally starting to see fathers as equal partners in parenting, and I think that is amazing.

Sep 21, 2022
Integrated Parenting

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