t's getting cold here in my place.  As the weather is getting colder, it's hard to find activities for kids outdoors. But there’s one thing that can keep kids active and bring families together — sports.

Adi has been bored not being able to play with friends anymore. Today he made me promise to play cricket with him.

I was feeling too lazy to move my body, but once I started playing with him and running around the backyard, it was like I had gone back in time. We laughed a lot while we chased each other and played cricket. It was a great bonding experience for us.

In a study done by Coutinho et al, all players noted the importance of tangible parental support during their early years, engaging in various levels of involvement and adapting to different parenting styles proved to be quite distinct between highly skilled and less skilled athletes.

I have my early memories of playing cricket with my brothers on the terrace of our house. That's where I learned to share, and understand the importance of teamwork.

In winter we used to play badminton with our family members, and it was so much fun. Even now I remember the feel of a shuttlecock flying through the air, as I took my stance to smash it across the court.

Why playing with kids can be a great idea?

  • It gives parents and kids an opportunity to bond over something they both love- When you laugh and play with your kids, it brings the two of you closer.
  • It is a great way to develop physical skills in children- Kids need regular exercise, like running and jumping, which can be done through sports
  • Parents can get some exercise -  it’s a win-win situation! Sometimes we excuse ourselves from flexing our muscles and getting active, but when it comes to kids, it can be a great opportunity for us to get our bodies moving as well.
  • It also helps in relieving stress for both the parents and children by providing a distraction from day-to-day life. Playing with kids can be a great way to get away from it all and just have some fun. After a hard day playing with family can help relieve stress and create a positive atmosphere.
  • It does not require a lot of money, just some basic sports equipment- You can pick something that is already available at your home,  like a ball or a Frisbee, and make it into your own little game.
  • Kids get to see the other side of parents- they get to see their parents as a person and not just a figure of authority. Sometimes kids will tell you the rules of a game, and it’s fun for them to be in charge.

While as a parent you might have the urge to train the kids and make them excel in the sport, it is important to remember that kids just want to have fun and play.  Sports are about having a good time, and it is essential for parents to understand this and create an environment where kids can feel safe and enjoy their favorite game. They should also be reminded not to compare their children with others as this can lead to discouragement.

Even when it's just me and Adi playing in the corridor, it feels like a special time for us. We have fun and that's all that matters.  So no matter how cold or hot it gets outside, sports can always be an activity to bond over with your kids.  And if you don't know how to play the games just yet, there is nothing wrong with learning together!

Games to play with kids at home

  1. Simon Says: A classic game where players must follow the instructions of the person who is "Simon," but only when Simon says "Simon says." If Simon does not say "Simon says" before giving an instruction, players cannot follow it.
  2. I Spy: A game where one player chooses an object in their environment and says "I spy with my little eye, something that is (color of object)." The other players must guess what object the first player is thinking of.
  3. Hangman: A game where one player thinks of a word and the other player tries to guess it by suggesting letters. Each incorrect guess results in a part of a stick figure being drawn, with the goal to not complete the stick figure, which represent hanging man.
  4. Tic-Tac-Toe: A game played on a 3x3 grid where players take turns placing their X or O mark on the grid. The goal is to get three of your marks in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  5. Charades: A game where players act out a word or phrase without speaking, and the other players try to guess what it is.
  6. Memory Game: This game can be played with a deck of cards or with household items. The items are placed face down, and players take turns flipping over two cards at a time, trying to find matching pairs.
  7. Treasure Hunt: Players are given a series of clues that lead them to a hidden treasure. The clues can be written or verbal, and can be as simple or complex as desired.
  8. 20 Questions: One player thinks of a word or phrase and the other players ask yes or no questions in order to figure out what it is.
  9. Card Games: There are many card games that can be played with a standard deck of cards, such as Go Fish, Old Maid, and Crazy Eights.
  10. Lego or Building Block Challenges: Give kids a set of legos or building blocks and challenge them to build something specific, like a tower or a bridge.
  11. Cooking or Baking Together: Cooking or baking with kids can be a fun way to spend time together and learn a new skill.
  12. Board Games: Board games like Chutes and Ladders or Monopoly can be a fun way to spend time with kids.
  13. Reading and Storytelling: Reading stories together or taking turns telling stories can be a fun way to spend time with kids and improve their reading and storytelling skills.

If you are just starting to play with your kids, here are some tips –

  • Start slow. Don’t jump straight into the more difficult games.
  • Choose a sport that you and your child can both enjoy. discuss with kids their likes and dislikes.
  • Encourage team spirit, positive attitude and learning from mistakes.
  • Keep it simple. Don't try to overcomplicate things.
  • Make sure to keep it fun and friendly.  
  • Encourage them to keep trying.
  • Take breaks when needed, and don’t push too hard.
  • Don't force kids to follow in your footsteps but let them find their own way.
  • Make a time  for it and be consistent.
  • Don't spend too much money on sports equipment right away, as you can use household items as a makeshift substitute.

At the end of the day, it’s all about having a good time and creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, go out there and bond with your kids over sports! It might just be the best decision you ever make.

Jan 7, 2023
Integrated Parenting

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