ost of the Ed-tech companies are talking about advanced AI tools in their courses, everything is becoming gamified and automated, which is causing a lot of children to question the need for traditional schooling. They no longer see school as a necessity, with so much available at their fingertips online. It's also become more obvious that students can learn things faster with the help of AI tools than through traditional methods - this shakes up the status quo and has caused a lot of children to think differently about the need for school.

Is AI making traditional schools obsolete?

If the purpose of school is to find answers to math problems and be able to write a letter to your Congressman… then yes, AI has made school obsolete.- Alice Keeler

We will have to see under what conditions would children take answers from AI, if there is something children are not interested in or they need to make reports that do not need creativity, then they might use AI to get answers.

But we need not forget that learners need community, teachers, and mentors to help them shape their future.

At the end of the day, we must remember that AI is a tool; it cannot replace humans’ creativity and problem-solving capabilities. AI can be used to supplement the learning experience, but it cannot replace the importance of quality education and all the benefits that come with it.


How will schools match up to AI-driven chat GPT?

Children are becoming accustomed to AI-powered tools and conversational agents. Chat GPTs provide a new way for children to interact with personalized learning experiences that are tailored to their individual needs. This could cause them to question the traditional classroom structure where they often have limited control over their own learning experience. Many schools may not be equipped to compete with the personalized and engaging experience that chat GPTs provide. As a result, schools will need to rethink how they are structured and how they deliver content to keep up with the evolving technology landscape.

“Regurgitating knowledge is something that you can automate very easily,” she said. “That doesn’t prepare children for the modern workforce.”-Prof Rose Luckin, an expert on AI and education at University College London


Should you question the system or AI?

If children are using AI to cheat in assignments we need to question the system, and perhaps change the way we teach.

Anything boring or based on rote memorization can be easily copied and automated.

Schools that are focused on fact-based learning will be easily replaced by AI-driven chat GPTs if they do not adapt. To stay competitive, schools should look to integrate more engaging activities into the classroom such as project-based learning and gaming elements. Additionally, they can use AI tools to personalize their instruction and tailor it to each student's individual needs. By doing this, schools can provide a unique learning experience that is tailored to each student, while also integrating technology into the classroom.

In the future, students and employees will have access to AI tools outside of school, which means that teachers will need to adapt their teaching methods to ensure that they are providing value beyond what can be achieved with technology alone. This means that the focus will shift from imparting information to students to creating learning experiences that utilize AI tools to take student learning to the next level- Alice Keeler

“Most of what people learn in school or college will probably be irrelevant by the time they are 40 or 50,” he told the Guardian. “If they want to continue to have a job, and to understand the world, and be relevant to what is happening, people will have to reinvent themselves again and again, and faster and faster.” - Yuval Noah Harari

Khanmigo by Khan Academy

He talks about having a personal tutor and the benefits of having 1:1 coaching for learning and mastering.

Sal Khan of Khan Academy has developed Khanmigo which allows students to ask questions and receive personalized feedback in real-time. This type of technology could revolutionize the way we learn, making it more interactive and engaging than ever before. Khanmigo can be a personal tutor, guidance coach, and even a mentor for students - all rolled into one AI-driven chatbot. traditional school hours.

Children can collaborate with Khanmigo to write essays, do practice problems, and get real-time feedback. Khanmigo’s tutoring is tailored to each student’s individual needs, providing personalized instruction that is not possible in traditional classrooms.


Will Self-learners will prefer AI over teachers?

Self-learners may prefer AI over teachers because they can access personalized and engaging content at any time.

Let's say this child likes to play video games, he could use AI-driven chat GPTs to learn more about the game, ask questions and receive personalized guidance.

He later plans to film the video for his channel, and he can use AI-powered tools to help him create the perfect video.

He gets ideas for his script, his headline, and storyboard from AI tools.

Especially with tools like khanmigo where they get a personal tutor who can teach them and answer their questions in real-time, self-learners are more likely to prefer AI instead of teachers.

Accepting Artificial Intelligence in Education

Education is indeed facing a significant challenge in the form of standardized testing and formulaic learning. The focus on achieving good grades or test scores often comes at the expense of fostering a deeper understanding of the material and developing critical thinking skills. In this context, the rise of AI and GPTs as potential replacements for teachers is a real concern.

However, it is important to recognize that AI and GPTs cannot fully replicate the human experience of learning. While they may be able to provide answers to specific questions or even generate essays on a given topic, they cannot replicate the process of problem-solving and developing a deep understanding of a subject.

Real learning requires engagement, curiosity, and the ability to explore a topic from multiple perspectives. It involves asking questions, challenging assumptions, and exploring new ideas. This type of learning cannot be reduced to a set of outputs or standardized tests.


May 4, 2023
Skills For Future

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