f so, you may already be familiar with the concept of self-directed learning, and how it can help a child develop into an independent learner who is capable of making decisions on their own. Self-directed learning encourages children to take responsibility for their education by giving them the freedom and autonomy to pursue their own educational goals. It teaches them important skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-direction.

Self-directed learning doesn’t always come easy though. Parents and caregivers need to provide a supportive environment in which children can explore their interests and curiosities. This may mean providing materials and resources, helping to set goals and boundaries, or even just being available to answer questions and provide encouragement.

Self-directed learning also requires children to be active participants in their education. This can mean encouraging them to ask questions, research topics that interest them, and experiment with different approaches to learn new skills and concepts.

I am sure you understand that each learner has their learning path. It may be different from the traditional schooling system or it may follow a certain structure, but ultimately it should be tailored to them and their interests and needs. Encouraging self-directed learning within your home is an invaluable gift you can give to your child. They will develop strong problem-solving skills, become more confident in their abilities, and will be able to use their education to pursue their dreams.

What are the benefits of independent learning?

It allows children to take ownership of their education and make decisions about what topics they want to explore, how long it should take them to learn something new, and what resources are best for them.

What are the challenges with self-directed learning?

The biggest challenge with self-directed learning is that it takes discipline and motivation to stay focused and on track. It also requires children to be able to recognize what they don’t know, practice their skills, and seek out resources independently.

Self-directed learning can be an important part of a child's development, but like all learning, it takes time and consistency.

What are the challenges parents face when they are raising free learners?

One of the biggest challenges parents face when raising free learners is finding a way to balance structure and freedom. Children need to have guidance and boundaries, but it’s also important to give them the space to explore their interests and develop as self-directed learners.

Parents also need to be able to provide resources and support that will help their children succeed in their educational endeavors. This includes having access to materials and technology, as well as providing a safe environment where they can explore and make mistakes without fear of failure.

What can help independent learners grow?

Exploration- Encouraging children to explore their interests and passions and find resources that can help them learn more about those topics is key.

Reflection- Encouraging children to take the time to reflect on what they’ve learned and how it can be applied to their own life is an important step in helping them grow as independent learners. They need constantly be in tune with themselves and take the time to reflect on their learning.

Accountability- Creating a system of accountability where children are responsible for meeting their own learning goals will help them stay motivated and focused. Parents can also help by providing encouragemet, feedback, and guidance when needed.

Goal Setting- Goal setting helps children focus on what they need to learn and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they have achieved their goals.

Plan - Setting goals and creating a plan of action is essential to helping independent learners grow. This helps children focus their efforts on learning topics that interest them, breaking down difficult tasks into smaller more manageable steps, and developing their problem-solving skills.

Practice - Practicing the skills they are learning is an important part of self-directed learning. It allows children to gain mastery of the material and helps them understand the concepts better.

Guidance and support - Providing guidance and support to independent learners is essential for their growth. Here having a mentor can play a great role in helping children with their learning journey.

How can a mentor help?

Mentors provide guidance, support, and encouragement to independent learners. They can help children identify their interests and strengths, create learning goals and plans, give feedback on their progress, provide resources to help them with their studies, and be a sounding board for ideas.

Having a mentor helps children stay motivated and focused on their learning goals. A mentor can also help children build problem-solving skills and provide guidance when they get stuck or need direction.

The mentor serves as a sounding board for children, encouraging them to explore their interests, think critically about their studies, and discuss any challenges they may be facing. Having an experienced person in the child’s life whom they can talk to about their learning journey can be invaluable in helping children become successful independent learners.

The mentor-mentee relationship should be based on mutual respect, trust, and open communication. This will help ensure that both parties benefit from the arrangement and that the mentee can achieve their learning goals successfully.

I am launching the mentor program for independent learners who are driven individuals and want to explore their passions.

How does this program work?

The program focuses on providing resources, building learning plans, providing feedback, helping children set reasonable goals and expectations, and offering guidance when needed.

The learners go through a process of

  • Sharing their interests
  • Goal setting and designing a customized learning plan
  • Making a master plan in Notion
  • Setting up calendar
  • Discussion on habit-forming
  • Time management
  • Learning about resources available online
  • Setting up accountability for themselves with milestones and challenges 
  • Self-reflection sessions
  • Mindfulness and Gratitude writing sessions
  • Creating a portfolio of their work and accomplishments through a blog or diary(if interested)
  • A session with parents to involve them in their learning journey

Once these steps are completed, the mentor will provide support throughout their learning journey. This includes providing feedback on their progress, giving guidance when needed, helping them stay motivated, and offering resources to help with their plan as needed

The Mentor helps them break down difficult tasks, find resources to increase their knowledge base, and provide feedback on their progress.

Weekly check-ins with the mentor ensure that learners stay focused and motivated.

This program is designed to foster independent learning while providing support, guidance, and mentorship.

The timing and schedule of the session will be decided mutually by the mentor and mentee. 

This program is designed to help independent learners become more successful in their learning journey. It provides a structured environment for learning, as well as support from an experienced mentor who can provide guidance and feedback when needed.

It also allows children to explore their interests, set realistic goals, develop

Parents need to recognize that self-directed learning is an ongoing process. As children grow and their interests change, parents should be open to adjusting their expectations and supporting them in reaching their goals.

Independent learning can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both children and parents alike. With the right guidance, structure, and resources, it can help a child reach their fullest potential as independent learners. So if you’re considering incorporating self-directed learning into your home, why not give it a try? You never know what amazing things your child could discover!

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Setting Goals

Being Grateful

Raising smart and independent learners

More about my coaching services:

Do you have a kid at home who prefers to learn by themselves, learners who are self driven. They find out what they want to learn and mostly prefers to have their own path.

I understand you, I have a 9 year old son who likes to lead his own learning journey. He is consistently interested in learning how to do new things, and he loves to experiment with whatever he comes up with.

But I understand that self learners need someone to coach , guide and support them in their journey. It helps them them to be on path  of their own journey but also have the right guidance.

After working in schools for 7 years now both online and offline and now coaching my son in his independent learning journey, now I am offering my services as a coach and mentor to independent learners.

I believe that by teaching them the right skills, knowledge and resources they will become self driven explorers.  My coaching focus on learning how to learn, time management, goal setting, building good habits and managing emotions. I also encourage them to explore different areas of interests until they find the one which makes them happy.

At the same time, I provide them with right resources and guidance to help them develop a deeper understanding of the subject they want to learn.

My goal is to make sure that independent learners have the skills and tools needed so that they can become successful lifelong learners.

If you are looking for someone who could coach, mentor, and guide your independent learner please get in touch.

I am here to help them fulfill their potentials and reach further than they ever imagined. Let’s empower them so they can become self-reliant learners.

Please feel free to contact me for more information on how I can help you and your independent learner.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Mar 21, 2023
Alternate Learning

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