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Digital Learning

Apnipathshala: Revolutionizing Education in India with Computer-Based Learning Pods

How Apnipathshala is bringing education revolution in India
Digital Learning

Using Phones Between 11 AM and 4 PM: A Path to Pro-Depression

What happens to your brain if you are watching your phone or TV after 11 pm at night?
Digital Learning

The Rise of the Solo Innovator: Creating Successful Businesses in the Digital Age

How tech has empowered young people to start their own companies.
Skills For Future

Embracing Technology for a Brighter Future: A Message for International Youth Day

Let's celebrate how technology can empower young people on this International Youth Day.
Skills For Future

Lessons From Sam Altman On Focus, Self-Belief, And Connections

The Sam Altman Formula: How Focus, Self-Belief, and Personal Connections Drive Results.
Skills For Future

Preparing Learners for Skill-Based Hiring: Tips and Strategies

The future of work demands a new set of skills. This guide offers practical strategies to prepare learners for the growing trend of skill-based hiring.
Digital Learning

Discover 5 Fascinating Websites You Can't Miss

Explore these fantastic websites.
Digital Learning

Writing Your Way to $2 Million: What Creators Can Learn from Dan Koe.

Learning from Dan Koe to create a writing business online.

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