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Alternate Learning

How Coaching Institutes In India Are Minting Money?

Discover how coaching institutes in India are raking in profits as they prepare students for competitive exams.
Alternate Learning

Why you should plan a trip to Digha with your kids

Digha can be a great travel destination for your family if they love beaches and seafood.
Alternate Learning

How does The School Admission Time Cause Fear In Parents?

Understand why the school admission process creates fear in parents. Explore the challenges and uncertainties surrounding school selection, and fees.
Integrated Parenting

How To See The Change Happening Around In The Positive Light?

We are experiencing a massive change in education which involves how schools/education systems are functioning, choices that parents are making.
Digital Learning

10 Benefits Of Online Learning You Need To Know

Learning from home is not a dream anymore, it has become a reality for many students. Students from all over the world can take advantage of these courses.
Digital Learning

Tips For Parents To Achieve A Successful Virtual School Year

How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. If it’s a billboard ad, you’ll need a super catchy headline.

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